Auto Loans
*Percentages for auto loans shown below are all Annual Percentage Rates
Credit Score | 725 & Above | 724-690 | 689-650 | 649-600 | 599-550 | 549 & Below |
36 Months | 5.50% | 6.50% | 7.50% | 10.50% | 15.50% | 17.25% |
48 Months | 5.75% | 6.75% | 7.75% | 10.75% | 15.75% | 17.25% |
60 Months | 6.00% | 7.00% | 8.00% | 11.00% | 16.00% | 17.25% |
72 Months | 6.00% | 7.00% | 8.00% | 11.00% | 16.00% | 17.25% |
84 Months * | 6.25% | 7.25% | 8.25% | 11.25% | 16.25% | N/A
- Rates shown are for 2021 & newer models; Add 1.00% for 2020 & older models
- * 84 month term loans are only available for loans over $40,000.
- Add 1.00% for all other collateral loans with titles (Boats, Campers, Trailers, etc.). Add 2.00% for all other loans without titles.
- SMCU offers GAP Protection at a low cost of $499.00
- Rates are subject to change. Please contact a loan officer to verify posted rates are correct.
Loan Type | A.P.R.* |
Credit Card | 13.50% |
Line of Credit | 16.00% |
Back to School | 10.00% |
Holiday | 10.00% |
- * A.P.R. = Annual Percentage Rate
- Offering rates may change
Term | A.P.Y.* |
1 Month | 1.10% |
2 Month | 1.10% |
3 Month | 1.10% |
6 Month | 1.25% |
9 Month Special | 4.24% |
12 Month | 1.40% |
18 Month | 1.50% |
24 Month | 1.75% |
30 Month | 1.85% |
36 Month | 2.00% |
- * A.P.Y. = Annual Percentage Yield
- The APY is an annualized rate that reflects the estimated dividend earnings based on the dividend rate and frequency of compounding
- Penalties may apply for early withdrawals from certificate accounts
- Offering rates may change
- Dividends compound daily, credited quarterly
- $500 Minimum
Term | A.P.Y.* |
12 Month | 1.40% |
24 Month | 1.75% |
- * A.P.Y. = Annual Percentage Yield
- The APY is an annualized rate that reflects the estimated dividend earnings based on the dividend rate and frequency of compounding
- Penalties may apply for early withdrawals from certificate accounts
- Offering rates may change
- Dividends compound daily, credited quarterly
- $500 Minimum
Plan | A.P.Y.* |
Shares | .25% |
Special Shares | .25% |
Holiday Shares | .25% |
IRA Shares | .25% |
HSA Savings | .25% |
- * A.P.Y. = Annual Percentage Yield
- The APY is an annualized rate that reflects the estimated dividend earnings based on the dividend rate and frequency of compounding
- Offering rates may change
- Rates determined each quarter end